Saturday, January 27, 2007

Snuggling up with The Scrapper!

Here's one girl who knows how to make the most of a chilly cold Saturday! Oh the things I learn from the small hound! Lots of covers and woolen blankets, a warm cup of tea (for me not Sydney), and a good book to read, and you're almost glad it's too cold for outdoor play. The library is right across the street from the post-office in Watertown Square, which reminds me, I went to the post-office to renew my passport the other day. It was funny.

The guys that work there were instructing me on "protocol", and all the things I need to have to renew for another 10 years of "dreamed about travel plans that become a reality". All was going well until we got to my name. "Maylah Taylah? Ah you joking? Fah wreel?" I couldn't help laughing along with them. Then more seriously, "ya know, it will be much easieah to just wrenew wit ya same name as a befo-ah". These guys were fun. I feel like a foreigner sometimes around here.

Well, we made it through the freezing day. After living in Marshall, it was a whole lot less of a shock to my system. I walked to work, but I was lucky enough to hitch a ride home with one of the guys I work with. Today, it got up to about 23 degrees and Mike went out for a ride (outside). He was dressed to the gills, and he came home and told me about how he got too hot. "See? socks are drenched!" I told him I got hot too...I was sweating even, riding my bike in the basement. He's a nut to be outside in this arctic air.

In any case---I'm snuggled up on the couch right now with Sydney, watching a dumb movie and writing to you. I hope you have a lovely Saturday...Sending a bunch of healing thoughts to my friend Bernie!

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