Sunday, January 14, 2007

Exact Science

So at my company, we are known for delivering custom bicycles. Not just custom for fit---but custom for ride quality, materials used and aesthetics as well. This can translate to some interesting situations since our customers work directly with our shops and indirectly (over the phone and via fax/email) with us. For example, we were designing this gal a bike and she wanted it painted. She sent us a template for exactly how she wanted it. (The conversation between us and the customer, "Is this what you want?" "yes, this is what I want"...and she signed off on the final drawing.)

We took the drawing she made and produced a design which was spec'd exactly as she drew it. Once the bike was delivered she called us and said, verbatum, "If I'd known that you were going to produce a paint job based on my template/drawing, I would have sent you exactly what I wanted..."

We were left scratching our heads, (and re-doing her paint scheme "exactly" as she re-drew it.) It's interesting to me as I relate this experience to many arenas in my life. There's the assumptions (where you think you understand something based on your view of things), and then there's clarity, "this is exactly what I want/mean/have".

Mike and I have spent the last few days (weeks and months) focusing on the latter. The exact part. Much of this involves digging in and "knowing" what that is. Sometimes the end result isn't a tangible thing...but an experience or way of living. We have come to realize that while we know the intangible portion, we aren't exactly clear on the tangible. But we are getting closer and just the exercise of digging in has been a wonderful learning experience for us both.

It's also tiring at times (like now). Especially watching Mike pack his bike up in a box for his trip out West without me. Sometimes, even when you think you've mastered the differences between "this is who I am" and "this is what I do", there is this Exact Science element that needs to be constantly nourished and fed such that you are never done trying to figure it out.

How's that for some Sunday thoughts? Happy Birthday Raquel (tomorrow)!

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