Monday, May 15, 2006

The worms are drowning!

Getting out for a breath of air, I hit the track this weekend. No use trying to ride my bike unless my wheels could also be used as flotation devices---which they couldn't. On Sunday, Mike and I went to Lexington to visit Peet's. We bought enough [coffee] to qualify for two free cups of Java, and then some. And there is nothing like Peet's, from the source. Not sure what they do differently from me---but it is high-octane at it's finest!

Fully caffeinated, we proceeded to do a little cleaning up in the basement, and watch the rain. It didn't stop. I kept waiting for the customary break that in-evidently occurs but it wasn't happening. I called my Mom and chatted away for an hour or so. Another Mother's Day away from my Mom. The call made my day, and when I mentioned that I was sorry to have missed being with her for Mother's Day another year, she told me that I treat her like everyday is Mother's Day and not to worry!

Once I realized that there wasn't going to be a break in the rain, I suited up in my rain gear, and headed to the track. I love to run, I just can't seem to avoid injuring my hip flexor's or I cramp in my calf. But the last couple of days (and a switch of running shoes), had been pretty good, so I took my chances again.

I had the track all to myself. Not too many nuts in New England I guess. Lots of smart folks in this neck of the woods. Actually though, I wasn't alone. There were earthworms all over the place. They were trying to escape the deluge and head for higher and drier ground, of which there was none. At first it freaked me out. But after my runner's buzz kicked in, I just ran carefully around them. It reminded me of when I was a kid and all the worms would be on the sidewalk when I'd walk to school in the rain.

I hope you enjoyed a lovely Mom's day weekend---Happy Monday!

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