Tuesday, May 16, 2006

May flowers...Mayflowers!

Now that I've lived in so many different parts of the country, some things that have been mentioned to me, off and on, throughout my life have begun to mean something. Like I used to remember how people used to wonder how come Californians are always walking around with a smile on their face. The small talk is happy talk---not in a proper or congenial sense---just "happy".

Somewhat similar to the Southern-hospitality type thing. It is that "being warm and lovely to strangers" (or in reference to California---to and by people who are down right strange). These two places formed my upbringing---and I went through life thinking folks were just that way everywhere. Now I understand a little better and I believe that the reason folks are so darn happy all the time is because the weather is so nice all the time---or at least most of the time.

I'm no scientist, but sunshine does make it easy to smile alot. What I learned in Minnesota, is that the weather is such an after thought and each and every glorious day is one to celebrate. But even when it was -10 degrees, most Minnesotans found a way to think that it was just a great day. And even I would find joy in the frozen walks through Camden, and the simple lifestyle. The fact that things were easy, there was no traffic, and people were "nice", made all the crummy weather (I know, I know...to every season turn turn turn...but you know what I mean) days (and there were alot of them!) a little easier to deal with.

In the Northeast---folks have a much more reserved way of being. (I am generalizing again...and I need to not do that.) Folks aren't just so happy to see you all the time...not me personally, but in general. Like when you're walking down the street---or running at the track---or riding your bike and they don't always participate in the "biker's wave". Much of this is likely do to the fact that there are SO many people here. Lots of people. Lots of cars. Lots of rain.

...and lots of US History, lots of beautiful places, and lots of things on your mind so you don't have time to take time to smile alot. I guess. Once it's summer time you have to cram in all the things you like to do when it's nice out into a few months I guess. Who knew there were so many different cultures living and thriving in the good old USA? It is kind of awe-inspiring, no?

And as my friend Ralph put it, "If April showers bring May flowers...what do Mayflowers bring? Pilgrims!" So there you have it!

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