Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sierra Nevada!

John Denver found himself in the "Colorado Rocky Mountain High". Joni Taylor found herself (riding) in the Nevada High Sierra...and understood what he meant. (Ha!) Fall in Northern Nevada is simply fabulous. It's not just "good for around here" riding. It's just plain good, one would travel to go on vacation here, good riding. You don't just see for miles and miles---it looks like you can see for days and days---and all you see are mountains and more mountains and blue sky and even fall colors in the trees.

Perfect weather and all the tourist's and folks who must just live here for the summer are gone and so it is peaceful and uncrowded. Friday night, Dave Metzinger drove up for a visit. He and Mike were going to Gardnerville on Saturday to stay at another friend's and I stayed behind with the Scrapper for a "girl's night". Aside from my morning job's and hiking with Sydney---I had the weekend to myself for a couple of long, slow rides.

It was chilly in the morning on Saturday and so I got a late start and just rode out to the Mt. Rose Highway and back. But today it was a little warmer...near 70 degrees, and so I didn't need to wait for it to warm up before rolling out. There was no wind and so even though I didn't plan on going for a long ride---Geiger beckoned me. I haven't ridden up Geiger Pass since the beginning of summer because it is hot and usually windy coming home. But today was fabulous and so up I went. When I got to the top (6700' more or less), I could see the snow on Rose to the West, and snow on the peaks to the East, beyond Virginia City. It seemed like I could see all the way to Utah! Wow!

When I got home, Mike was home and we sat on the front porch after a shower and some food, just staring at the mountains and talking about our weekend bicycle-adventures. Felt like one of those "Life is good" commercials.

October rules! Happy Sunday!

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