Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Middle Aged

Last night I did a public talk about Sinclair's exclusive products to a cycling club; Ridley, Campagnolo Sportswear and Limar. Mike joined me early on but bailed before the talk began. The club was called Procrastinating Pedlar's---a group of mostly middle-aged folks who have real jobs, real money and a passion to ride...not race their bikes. My kind of folk.

It occurred to me though that we were likely close to or about the same age. Middle aged. When did this happen? The last time I was at my Mom and Dad's, my Mom had this special face lotion that "vanished wrinkles". I used it and liked it and asked her, "Hey Mom, do you use this stuff?" She said "Sometimes...why?" I just said, "Oh", thinking it was one of those purchases she made that she didn't really use. She said, "You may have it if you'd like".

My Dad replied, "What is it---we can get you some". I said--"it's a special wrinkle-disappearing-magic-potion!" My Dad replied, "My daughter needs wrinkle stuff?" Ha! I took home this potion and I even use it every now and again when I remember.

I remember my Grandma talking to me about age. "I don't feel old" she would say. Here's the deal. You really don't feel old. Your body says your a certain age, and your mind thinks your still 25. Not nice!

Sigh. On a different note---a secret friend informed me that Sierra is both singular and plural. So Sierra's is not correct. High Sierra (one mountain) and High Sierra (many mountains)---still learning stuff---even at my "middle" age! Happy Wednesday!

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