Sunday, October 07, 2007

Because it's good for you!

I remember when many years ago my Mom used to make me run every day. "Because it's good for you!" There's a long story about the details that lead up to this, but the gist was that if I was under her roof, I had to do some things her way. Funny thing is, it was the best thing (or one of them) that she ever did for this "somewhat-spoiled and sometimes manipulative" technically an adult but really a little girl, girl.

There are days when I wish someone would go and exercise for me. I do love riding my bike. But sometimes I just like the "thought" of riding my bike. Actually "doing it" is another thing. That crisp chill in the air means that I need to wear more specialized gear, and suffer through the first few miles of chill. And since my favorite rides go uphill, it means I have to be cold on a descent. Top that off with a 1000' foot, 1.3 mile climb to get back home and I can talk myself out of anything!!

I have a cool bicycle and very cool riding gear though---so I have no excuse and I am compelled to ride. If you lived with my over-athletic husband, who is critical of spending money on things you don't use, you too would feel like you must get your money's worth out of your "toys". I like to look cool. Mike just is "uber-cool".

So like my Mom, Mike encourages me to get outside. Even when I think I would rather sit on the couch and eat and watch TV! Probably knowing this little detail about me is surprising since I put about 15,000 miles pedaling on the road each year. I am sure that one of the reasons Mike is in my life is to keep that "good parenting" going. He even knows that things like "All you can eat Sushi" are good ways to get me on the road.

So...I am all bundled up in some of the coolest riding gear on the market, with a swanky-cool road bike ready to hit the road on a clear as a bell Sierra Sunday morning to head towards Mt. Rose---all because it is "good for me"!

Have a wonderful Sunday!!!

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