Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Cool Morning Ride!

So on Monday's Mike takes a day off the bike which means I get to ride to work (as opposed to ride and then come home to pick up the Scrapper before heading for work). I don't always take advantage of being able to ride in, but when I do, it is a real treat. It was cold by Joni standards---you know the drill---Mike says "it's not cold", I say "it's not cold for Polar Bears".

But after two years of living in places which actually have winter, I have accumulated some gear which makes the cold tolerable. 30's/40's are cold---especially with a mountain air breeze. But boy is it clear and spectacular to see the Sierra's in high definition in the morning air. Plus I have some new Campy Sportswear tights that are just fabulous---I may feel cold...but I look "too cool for school!" Ha!

I headed towards Mogul/Verdi and looped around the neighborhoods nestled into the hills and then headed towards the Stateline and Henness Pass Road. I saw three coyote's heading in after a night of trouble making. And lots of geese and birds feeding in the mountain pastures. It was so quiet as I climbed Dog Valley road that the only sound I could hear was the whirr of my wheels as they rolled along the road. A "zen" moment. The sound of silence.

I don't care what anyone says...I still get cold no matter what I am wearing. But it was far from unpleasant. It was awesome. I headed to Boomtown and they've just finished the road leading to the big brand new Cabella's which is opening in November. Minnesota Dad will love it!

Speaking of Minnesota, I just bought our tickets and we are heading to Marshall the second week of November. I can't wait! And now life is becoming a bit more manageable after the chaos of the "pre-season" bike season madness. It will be fun to be back to my second home. I haven't been there since we left for Boston--seems like a lifetime ago.

Happy Tuesday!

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