Saturday, June 30, 2007

"Welcome to Reno"

I know, I know. We've been here for a few months already. But I have a nice story to tell--that's a bit circular in how everything is really connected in our world. Last year, while we were still at Seven, my accounts were Western US accounts, which included Nevada---Reno specifically. And last Fall, we received an order in from Mother Lode cycles, right here in Sparks for a gal who was buying a new Seven bicycle. I took the order and worked with the shop and customer before passing it onto Mike to design the bike. We had made a great connection with the customer and her boyfriend, John.

The gal's boyfriend, also a Seven owner was planning to surprise her with an additional paint job on her bike. So we worked with him as well. Time passed and Mike and I made our decision to leave Seven (you've heard this story before), but since we were moving to Reno and had made a friendly connection with John, the Seven owner, we let him know we were going to be local and he gave us his contact info.

Fast forward to our arrival to Reno. Eric, from Mother Lode, dropped into Sinclair to meet us and in our conversations he mentioned that John was also one of the best veterinarians in town. It was time for Sydney to get her shots so Mike made an appointment with John. He (John) was so excited that we were here and he offered us a 10% discount on Sydney's check-up.

For the last 5 years, Sydney has also needed her teeth cleaned. They were awful and her breath was bad. (No more tennis ball with the Scrapper---it ground down her teeth to nubs!). The problem is that the costs we've been quoted were $400-700 dollars! Ouch! John said it would be a good idea though, and we decided we needed to do it. His quote was $300+/-. They need to use anesthesia which is why it costs so much.

So, last Thursday, Mike dropped the Scrapper off to clean her schmeever's. When he went to go and get her, Mike was hoping for the 10% discount, but we were fine paying whatever it was (he won $300 bones in a race the weekend prior!). John greeted him with a smile and when he handed Mike the paperwork, he said, "Now I can't do this every time". Mike didn't understand. John saw his confusion. He shook his hand, and said "Welcome to Reno!" He completely comp'd the whole bill. No charge for the Scrapper's new pearly whites! We still can't believe it. This really has the small town feel.

Happy Birthday Steve and Uncle Ron!

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