Fabulous, Joni, so we know you can count. Ha! Actually, a plethora of 7's can be applied to our weekend. Including a lucky local's $7.77! I love plays on words and other such nonsense. So let me explain. After many years (we ordered this new frame when we still lived in Minnesota!), and Mike's 40th birthday present (a gruppo for the frame), he finally had his Seven Sola 29er built up (with a new 2 by 9 crankset even!) and took it for a maiden voyage on Saturday! It really is beautiful. (a 29er is a mountain bike with 29 inch wheels instead of the standard 26 inch wheels more commonly seen---for those who don't know). When I look at the bike next to my miniature Independent Fabrication hard-tail, it looks enormous! My bikes are just small compared to normal and his bikes are huge compared to normal.
And this is the beauty of having a bike made just for you! We both headed out for LONG Saturday rides in the Nevada sunshine---70's and no wind or humidity. I headed towards Mount Rose on My little Seven road bike and he headed for Peavine and the Verdi Hills peaks on his Seven Sola 29er. Different rides for sure---but the same Seven in Heaven smiles on our faces. We made a date to meet back at the house "really" hungry!
Which leads to my next Seven conversation which has nothing to do with bikes. Last week, we had a houseful of family and friends with my folks and also Bill & Gaby Hillinger from Austria. My folks moved into the Grand Sierra Resort (from la casa de la Taylor's) during his softball tournament (and Bill & Gaby stayed with us for a night). The Grand Sierra has a "lucky locals" buffet (upscale---not your garden variety stuff), and if you are local, you can eat for $7.77 (instead of $18.99). Let's just say that we got our money's worth. Between the "Smoking spoons Mehler's" and the cycling Taylor's, this buffet was a real deal! And after Mike's 5 hour mountain ride, and my 4 hour road ride, we were HUNGRY! So we decided to take ourselves "out", and eat all we could!!!
Bill & Gaby had toured some fabulous places in the USA from Vegas, Niagara Falls, Grand Canyon, San Francisco---and Reno. we spent the evening drinking beer and eating home-cooked American food (including "buffalo burgers on the grill", and you'd never know so many years separated the last time we met in Austria. Good friends.
It's supposed to be 77 degrees today. A perfect day to go on another ride on our bikes. Happy Sunday! Happy June 1st! Where is the year going?
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