Monday, May 26, 2008

(a) Merchant (in) of Venice

Not Shylock or Portia or any other Shakespearean character. Just seemed like a "catching" title for my upcoming trip to Venice in June. Campagnolo is launching their new Spring/Summer clothing collection on June 20, and I am off to view (and prepare for the USA selections) and, this time, ride with my legendary Italian suppliers. I will only be flying into Venice though, as Campagnolo is in Vicenza, a little over an hour South and West of the Marco Polo Airport. Another LONG flight and another not so LONG trip---though a little longer than last time.

This year the presentation is on a Friday, so I will need to stay the weekend and then spend a day at the factory on Monday, so another weekend in Treviso (quick train ride to Venice), and my hotel claims to have bikes for their guests. And this year I am flying over a few days early so that I can take part in the bike ride in the hills around Vicenza as well, as long as my flight is not a mess like it was a year ago. Whatever it is (mess or no), I am a little better prepared than I was last year.

In a few weeks my life will become air-travel, and land travel across the USA as well. My carbon foot-print will take on a different light. And all the good I do all year in conservation, and green-living will get eaten up in retailer visits. It's a pity that I can't figure out a different way of doing this. Perhaps my BGI friend Wayne has some ideas? In any case, it sounds far more glamorous on paper than it will be in real life. We will begin our launch in Manhattan...NYC! Then Boston, Chicago and Denver. From there I will be on my own for the Pacific Northwest, Southern California and Northern California---but my summer is pretty much shot. If I can squeeze it into my budget, I hope to be in the Southeast as well (So all my HOT-lanta family---stay tuned!)

It has been downright cold this Memorial Day weekend---I don't know why upper 50's feels so cold to me. I was reminded by a lovely Minnesotan yesterday that I was out riding my bike in Marshall in those temps thinking it was balmy in Fall/Spring. I think it is the mountains which make it colder. Going down hill on a bike after you've worked up a sweat going uphill just leads to being cold. Doesn't seem to have the same effect on Mike though. He likes it cold. Still I managed a few hours outside and it really was fabulous, albeit a little chilly. We both arrived home just before the wind picked up.

Happy Memorial Day!

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