Notice all the exclamation points! We spent a couple of weeks in Spring conditions here in NW Nevada but it feels like we went right from Winter to Summer. Can you say 90's? We've also been busy traveling to fun places to ride these last few weekends---and while this was no exception---we stayed close to home and headed to Markleeville to ride the passes.
Oh gosh was it fabulous. It was already warm when we left around 8am. I love it (for riding) though. Blue skies, warm weather and not really any wind. Not sure where everyone was--but they were not in here. I expected "Death Ride" training riders, fisherman/campers and motorcycles. The motorcycles were there---but not in droves. And there were a few other cyclists, but mostly local folks. It really was fabulous!

Mike headed out one way and I headed out another. Ebbetts is one of my all-time favorite passes to ride. I like Monitor too, but the first 3 miles are just grinder-steep. As I was pedaling I caught up to this gal and rode with her a ways---she was just enjoying the day and decided to ride up to the top of Ebbetts (8700+'). Did I mention she was in her 60's? Inspiring. I was feeling good (although a little tired from the week) so I wished her a safe ride and got out of the saddle and hammered on.
The Alpine Lake at the top is still frozen with snow on it. It was over 90-degrees just a few thousand feet below. I headed over the other side of Ebbetts (all down hill) and then headed back up and prepared for the glorious descent . Takes my breath away really. The decent even had a chill in the air until about 8000' feet or so---then the air was warm. I saw my "new" friend (Anne) pedaling uphill almost to the top! She was still smiling---even on the steep sections!
Passed the first gate I ran into these guys who were from Durango and rode with them a ways. It's this time of year when the folks you meet around here are locals---or used to altitude---so they don't have breathing problems even if they don't look like they're in the greatest shape. (i.e these guys from Durango)
I rode into town and picked up the car and then drove to meet Mike at the Monitor pass turn-off. I couldn't find the "stash of water and snacks he hid in the bushes and so I wanted to catch him before he rode into town. When he rolled in, we loaded up our bikes and as we were re-hydrating, Anne rode passed on her way back home. I hope I am still riding these passes as gracefully as she when I am in my 60's!

My Campagnolo Bike really rules. My Seven feels like a new animal on the road---making all my latest adventures seem easy!

Happy Saturday!
Hey Joni... is that brand new bike steel or titanium? It's hard to tell by the photos.
We're heading up to do Monitor and Ebbetts this weekend. Check out the Procrastinating Pedalers calendar for more info. You can school me on the climbs!
Hey Heidi! The bike is my Seven Aerios---and it is new, only because I just strung up a new Campy Record gruppo. I think this weekend would be epic and cold and snowy in Markleeville--How's your new Della Santa?
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