Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday Inspirations!

Today, despite the extreme heat (which really isn't that bad with the humidity at 9%), I left for ride in the arid desert sunshine---with a smile on my face. I NEVER mind the heat on a bike! After yesterday's longer ride, I just planned on a short loop around Caughlin Ranch. That said---it was so quiet and I felt good---I stayed gone for about three hours, looping around and up and down the local jaunts. I don't know where everyone is, but they're not here!

35/40+ miles with about LOTS of climbing per lap and I could count the cars I saw. It was wonderful. Even more wonderful is that each lap I did included an inspiring rider on the climb. The first time around, I rode up with this guy named Doug and his blind daughter Abby who was riding on the back of his tandem. They were training for some special ride and she loved going up hill. I think she was 14 years old. On the first descent to the bottom, I saw the guy I see riding year around---even in winter, who only has one arm, and who grinds it up McCarran Blvd. I saw him again as I was going up and he was going down. He's sinewy and lean and strong. I guess we do our laps in reverse.

The 3rd time up, these two guys in their late 60's were racing each other up the second hill. They were obviously quite fit and have competed together since high-school at the various "sport de jour." Then to top it off, towards the end of the last climb, I passed this guy who was breathing hard. And smiling (or grimacing). So I slowed down and rode with him---silently til we reached the top. He was a big guy---and in my mind I was thinking he would have an easier time if he lost a few pounds (truth be known, I always think this about myself too!) Shame on me, right? Well you would really be wagging your fingers if you knew the story. His name is John and he recently lost 75 lbs and this was the first time he'd ever ridden all the way to the top without stopping. He said I passed him earlier. Nothing like a little perspective to remind you that things are not always as they seem. And kind thoughts are always a better option than critical ones.

All of these folks inspired me today---without even knowing it! I sure love the weekends!

We're headed for a cooling trend beginning on Tuesday I think. It's a little too early for 90's anyway!

Happy Sunday!

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