Sunday, August 12, 2007

This is Chris Horner...

So, on Friday afternoon, we were a little short staffed and so our receptionist called me and asked if I could watch the phones for a couple of minutes. I still haven't figured out how to work our phone system, so I was hoping it wouldn't ring, but sure enough, the second she left, the phone rang.

"Sinclair Imports, this is Joni, how can I help you?"

"Hey Joni, this is Chris Horner, is Lance there?"

"This is NOT Chris Horner!"

"Yes, this is Chris---looking for Lance!"

"Yeah, right...erh, is this really you Chris?"

He laughed and said "yup!" Fortunately Horner has a good sense of humor and he thought it was pretty funny. I was just about to say, "'s enough are not fooling me with this Horner-act!"

Sigh. You have to understand that there are a few practical jokers in bike shops I work with who always play tricks on me (Dave Prion, Hankster, etc.)...I still have the message from "Clive, the Sear's guy who is calling on my washing machine delivery...." I don't have a washing machine and I thought my landlord was buying one for us...heavier sigh...

Anyway---I thought it was funny that the first time I answered the phone, it was none other than "local boy gone Euro star" Chris Horner on the other end of the phone. It's that Vegas time of year when all the Pro's call Lance about the infamous Sinclair party.

Oh well, I am off for a ride around Caughlin Ranch and then packing for a week in Seattle and Portland. The weather there is about 20 degrees cooler which will be a nice respite from the desert. Have a wonderful Sunday!

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