Saturday, August 11, 2007

Boca Reservoir

Nestled between Sierra & Nevada County, near Truckee, California lies the Boca & Stampeed reservoirs. There is a rolling road which meanders up and down and around the Alpine fed waterbeds and Mike discovered this place last April when he (of coursed) raced them one Thursday evening. So this morning, after viewing some smokey air headed our way from the Carson Valley, he said, "I finally feel like riding and there's smoke. How about we head over the pass and I'll show you a nice ride?"

I was feeling somewhat tired, but if Mike felt like riding with me, how could I say "no"? So we loaded up the bikes and headed over the pass. There are so many "off the beaten paths" here in the Sierra's. The exit for Boca is just East of Northstar and Truckee (the town). After you cross the railroad tracks, you come upon pristine Alpine roads and and a big (albeit low--drought low) reservoir.

There is something about the green alpine smell that I love. It always reminds me of "home". It's a California good smell that I can't define. But it smells like I am supposed to be there amongst the big redwood and green evergreen/alpine trees along roads littered with pine cones of various shapes and sizes. We rolled away up the road and enjoyed the scenery. There was a small climb and Mike said, "This is the only's short ---maybe a half a mile". We descended and came upon another climb. "Hmm. Actually, this is the climb---it's maybe a half a mile". I smiled. Even though he's been off the bike for a while, Mike is strong. You think he's sand-bagging, but he really just enjoys challenges---and it takes alot for something to be "hard" for him.

After the second descent we talked and rode. Soon an even bigger climb came. "Oh...actually this is the climb!" I laughed and said, "I bet it's about a half a mile or so!" We rode until the pavement became dirt. Henness Pass (from near Sinclair in Verdi) goes over the mountain but it's dirt. So we turned around and he took a detour over near the Stampeed Reservoir while I headed back to Boca.

I saw him riding on the other side of the reservoir and watched him go. We came home and cleaned house while listening to REM and The Cowboy Junkies. I may not have alot of money, but I feel like a very rich woman today.

Happy Saturday!

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