Tuesday, July 17, 2007

On Fire!

Ha! You probably thought I was referring to the Tour de France. Different kind of fire, and certainly worthy of the "on fire" headline, but the fire I am referring to is the hot, flaming, burning kind. The first photo is from this morning. Looked like the 900 burning acres were fairly in control after they ignited sometime on Monday afternoon; it seemed like the firefighters had gotten things together (after a hard's night work I am sure.)

The rest of the photo's are from when we got home this evening. Not in control. The charred mountains are my, sniff, morning ride. Caughlin Ranch. I will have to ride my Verdi route for a few days---as not only is it not healthy riding around in the smoke, but they probably wouldn't let me through the barricades. 3-4 million dollar homes surround the neighborhoods. The firefighters saved them all! But seemed to sacrifice the surrounding hills as a result and the fire went "the other way!" Up, Up Up...and now too steep to spray with the water hose. It looks like a volcano erupting!

It's more fun to write about my bike rides. That is for sure!

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