Saturday, September 02, 2006

A little bit o' Ernesto!

Just a little and just enough. We're not expecting much of a storm, but it will be in the 60's and windy and showery until Sunday night and Monday. Then the weather guy says it'll be near 80 and humid for the remainder of the week until the next weekend when it is "supposed" to rain again. It's cold enough in the mornings that when I head out on my morning ride I am in leg/arm warmers, vest and a long sleeved craft already (though that might change again next week). Mike says, "it's like San Francisco!", with a smile on his face. I don't even sweat through my craft base-layer. The difference between here and San Francisco though, is that in San Francisco this is as cold as it gets. I am not looking forward to winter.

Last week was the busiest week I've had at Seven. Pre-season week. But a successful week and so I hope this is a sign for a great year for 2007. I am BEAT though. Mike and I celebrated making it through the week with sushi and Belgian beer. We reserve those occasions for races usually, but after last week we really needed "something" and he knew just "WHAT!"

Speaking of "racing"...Cross season is just around the corner here in New England. In fact, September 10th is the kick-off race and Mike is already "practicing" his moves. The terrain and the competition is pretty fierce here. McCormick, Hodges-Meyerson, and Powers showing up at your local races will certainly keep things exciting.

And some folks from Marin will be gracing us in September as well---Amanda & Ken will be here for a visit. Sure will be nice to see some California friends. I think I'll just curl up with a book today. Have a lovely Saturday and a safe Labor Day weekend!

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