Saturday, September 09, 2006

School back in; traffic out in full force!

My morning ride's have become inundated with cars and school buses! Kids don't walk to school anymore I guess. I leave 15 minutes earlier now to get a head start out of town. I leave 45 minutes earlier than Mike who is busy walking the Scrapper, but inevitably he catches me somewhere in Concord or Lexington. Last Thursday when he came pedaling past me he showed me a new secret route off the busy road.

"Follow me!" He said over the loud traffic. I was skeptical. Usually his routes are longer or harder or both. But this one was a winner and I was glad I followed him on the hilly quiet roads for a reprieve. We meandered through lovely neighborhoods---a little more climbing which is a good thing and by-passed the freeway on-ramps and crummy pavement of the busy road I usually ride.

It's cold in the mornings now. It is supposed to be warm in the 80's today---but the mornings are cool now and so Fall is in the air, along with a bunch of stuff that makes me sneeze. Some of the leaves are changing already. I'm waiting for the spectacular colors of the season. (Thanks Dave P. for telling me why the wet weather effects the changing of the colors).

Anyway---I am off for a ride...just wanted to wish you a happy Saturday---

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