Sunday, September 03, 2006

Rain and it's effect on the Fall colors?

I was watching the news this morning "from New Hampshire", and one of the verbal headlines was that all this rain [we've had] may effect the changing of the colors this Autumn. I meant to stay tuned to the channel, but I got distracted waiting for the story and then Mike and I headed out to Lexington to stock up on some Peet's. Has anyone ever heard of such a thing [as rain effecting leaves changing]? They repeat the news all morning here about things I really am uninterested in but I haven't seen the repeat of this story that actually interests me.

It started raining last night sometime and has been light but steady ever since. They keep talking about "Indian Summer"---so I don't think the warm weather is done---but what do I know about any weather ---let alone New England weather? In any case, it doesn't look like I will get a ride in today even if it does stop because the roads are so wet and unlikely to dry.

I've been reading the personal memoirs of Katharine Graham---leading woman/owner of the Washington Post [& Company]---the paper who championed the coverage of The Pentagon Papers and Watergate. My Mom sent me the book last year and I struggled through the first 300 pages...but then it got significantly better and now it's good. I will probably finish it today since the weather is so dismal.

Well---I'm not one to complain about another lazy day just yet! Happy Sunday!

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