Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Cold showers...

...since we've moved into our place here in Watertown, we've been slow to figure out things like what's gas vs. what's electric vs. what do you have to buy special oil for to heat things up. We missed the winter here and so the really cold time wasn't very long and we've had a hot and humid summer. So hot water in the shower was not a problem. We didn't need it.

But with Fall approaching and the temps dropping into the 40's already in the evening, a "HOT" shower is more pressing. We've had 30-45 SECONDS of warm water in the evenings for our showers and then the water would get icy. Sigh. Mike hates dealing with these issues to the point that he will suffer and complain his way through it before he'll figure out what needs to be done and who needs to be called, etc.

I don't like it either [dealing with the details]---but I refuse to take a cold shower. Anyway--it was easy now that we have a landlord. I emailed him and asked if I needed to do something and he said "No---I need to do something! I'll be over tonight after work with a plummer friend and look into it! You'll have your hot water on tonight"

And true to form, he was there---apparently a special pilot light was out and like Magic the hot water worked.

So after we both got out of a steamy shower, I said, "So sweetie, aren't you glad I took care of this? What would you do without me?"

He smiled while brushing his blondish locks in the fogged up [from the steam] mirror and said, "Without you, I'd be taking alot of cold showers!"

Good answer Taylor!!

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