Saturday, July 15, 2006

I "heart" LA

Somehow, when I talk about California, folks just lump it all together. Hey, I'm the "NorCal" girl. But this "NorCal" gal is heading to "SoCal" at the end of the month. Right state---just about 500 miles too far South for this Seven Cyclist---bike pedaler and peddler! I haven't been to my "home" state in going on two years---so it'll be nice to see the Pacific Ocean again. Everyone [here] is probably worried about sending me to NorCal---afraid I might not come back to New England. Perhaps they're on to something?

Last night I rode after work in the sultry evening air. This is easily as humid as the Southeast. The weather channel keeps using words like "heat-wave" and "oppressive". The most comfortable time is the time on the bike. Too bad I just can't ride all day. I'm sweating right now as I type. I sweat when I get out of a cool shower. Oddly, I don't seem to sweat on the bike. Perhaps I am riding too slowly?

Today I rode through Great Brook Farm again. It was quiet and no one was there. I came upon these police barricades...and rode right past them. Hmmm? A little further into the forested roadway, I saw the policemen. Apparently a stack of trees had tumbled onto a "live" wire and the road was blocked. I was hoping I wasn't going to have to back track, and a policeman told me I could hike up over the stone wall and around, but I couldn't go over the road---I might get electrocuted. I know they assumed I would probably just turn around, but I shouldered my bike and climbed over the stones and hopped out on the other side.

I only rode 45 or 50 miles, but it felt longer. It feels like riding in a wet sauna. I kinda like it until I stop pedaling...then, I just feel sticky. Mike was able to ride about 90 miles today so he is feeling better. We BBQ'd some dinner and sat outside playing soccer with the small hound---a nice Saturday.

I'll be heading down the Santa Monica freeway at the end of July---I hope to get some surfing in "between working" Oh yeah---I "heart" LA!
(as she rolls her eyes sarcastically)

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