Friday, July 14, 2006

East of the Mississippi

Mike and I have many discussions lately about this infamous River that divides our great land. While I've lived East of it before...South East in fact, it's been so long ago that all I can remember is that it was lovely when I was there. When you're a kid, and have not much to think about except food and play, and have parents catering to make sure both are plentiful, things like dismal weather and bills to pay are secondary concerns if you're concerned at all.

But much of my life (most of my life) has been spent about as far West of the Mississippi as you can get. Indeed my water of play was an expanse of Ocean that congers up thoughts of adventure, intrigue and rugged explorations---the Pacific Ocean. And Mike has never lived East of the River, in fact he grew up just West of it's shores.

Now we're about as far East of the Mississippi as one can get...along the shores of the "other" ocean. The Atlantic. It's like being in a foreign country where everyone still speaks English...albeit English without R's where there are R's, and where there are A's at the end of a word, they become R's. Like I work with a gal who's name is Jenna. But the local's call her Jenner. And if you want to staRt your caR in Boston, you say, "staht ya cahhhh".

New England. It's a lovely place---with rotten weather. My standards are pretty high. There's a reason why folks live in and pay the price for living in the San Francisco Bay Area. My friend Amanda said it best when she was telling me about her "living somewhere besides the Bay Area". She said, "You know Joni, when you settle in after a long bike ride, and stare out into the Pacific Ocean while watching the sun plop into the water, even if you're subsiding on ramen noodles---it just doesn't get much better than that!" She was right!

I even know transplants who live there [in the Bay Area] and complain about the cost of living, how much they miss the seasons, the traffic, etc. And I know exactly what they're talking about. But they know, it's pretty easy to visit seasons and then come home to "perfect" weather. It's a pretty diverse and amazing country we live in. And I guess I will be the envy of all come Fall! Of course, we'll be slaving away getting ready for Las Vegas and Interbike. I better at least get a day or two to ride my bike in the colors of a New England Fall.

Have a wonderful Friday!

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