Saturday, August 23, 2008

Late summer baby birds

Every day after work, I come home and then head out with the Scrapper for her evening, pre-dinner walk while Mike rides his bike. (I ride in the mornings before work and he rides in the evenings after work). I am usually tired and cranky, and don't feel like heading out in the hot, windy desert air, but the fact is that it is as good for me as it is for the small hound---especially after sitting on my butt all day staring at a computer! But really, if it were up to me, I'd let the Scrapper take herself for a walk while I sit down and watch, but Mike would not be happy with his lazy wife.

Funny thing is, I usually call my Mom while walking through the canyons, or I power walk up and down the hills to get my heart-rate going and once I am in the zone, or on the phone with my Mom, I enjoy the time outside with Sydney. In every season but the hot summer, there are plenty of big hare's for her to chase. In the summer though, it's lizard's. Last week though, I noticed something different moving along the sandy and hilly terrain. At first glance, I thought it was a bunch of moving rocks. But as I got closer, I realized that they were little birds. Lots of little baby birds. They kind of waddled along like baby ducks.

By the time we came upon the little guys, the Scrap was too hot and tired to chase. But I couldn't help but wonder, what are these baby chicks doing being born just before Fall? Then the Mom and Dad Quail hurried through and got control of the gang and quickly got them out of harm's way.

Today was a lovely Saturday, with no where to be, and no work or travel for a change. We are heading to SoCal right after Labor Day, so I doubly enjoyed not having to work this weekend! Just rode my bike for lots of hours and went out to a very nice lunch with my husband afterwards. Perfect day! I hope yours was too!

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