Sunday, August 31, 2008

An exciting time in America

I really try to keep my politics aside. Even in my own beloved family, personally political views are so diverse and can lead to such extremely intense debates that it is best to keep my opinions to myself and just let it go. It is one of the special things about being an American. You are not only entitled to have your own opinions, voice and act on your own beliefs, but you are encouraged to participate in the outcomes and it is a blessing and gift to be able to live with all perspectives, beliefs and views.

So for the first time in a very long time, I feel hopeful for a healed America. Someone is preaching to my heart about why I love my country and even my non-voting husband is considering joining in on the election. I told him if he was in Belgium, he would be in jail for not voting---as it is a law there that all citizens in the country MUST vote. He said, "that's why I live here, sweetie", just to be a smartie-pants. Sigh.

And on a lighter note, Mike and I are heading for Southern California this week for our last effort before the big "show" in Vegas at the end of the month. These roadshows are much easier together than when I have to go it by myself. I can finally relax after October 13th. Seems like a long way off, but that is the final planned business trip for the year. And even though the last trip will be on the Big Island in Hawaii (Kona-Ironman), I'd much rather be going there surfing or exploring the volcanos with my husband on vacation, then setting up and breaking down in the Ford Ironman Expo for a week leading up to the race with my friend/Belgian colleague. Hopefully all of this will amount to a really successful year---but no matter what, the experiences I have had this year on these trips around the USA (and Italy) have been priceless.

The wind is blowing like crazy today...some cold front vs. hot front kind of scientific combo which results in a major wind day here in the high desert. Nothing like Gustov, so I won't complain---but it sure isn't fun riding in the wind. My brothers are both in town and so we will all go and have an early dinner together tonight.

Anyway---happy Sunday, and Happy Labor Day!

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