Let it snow! Well there is no "letting" when it comes to things like Mother Nature. But if I think back to my childhood (when I never did anything but visit the snow), this is how I remember snow. Mountain snow is special. Even when it is considered wet, it is light and airy. And in the mountains they measure feet not inches--although we maybe got 5 or 6 inches in our area....but right up the hill they got 2 feet.
I snapped a photo the night before and it was a warm and lovely 50+ degree, riding my bike outside kind of day. Mike even went out a won a local cross-race in the morning before work! Low and behold, we woke up to lots of white icing all over everything. Big snowflakes (the first snow picture shows a big flake!) and white as far as the eye can see. Mike woke up and took the Scrapper out for her morning jaunt---then pulled out our "wedding snow shovel", and put it to good use once again. I never imagined how important a gift this shovel would be.
Mike likes to show-off his Minnesota shoveling skills and shovel cleaner and faster than all the other guys. He brags about how hot he is while doing it, trying to get me to help. I smile and sip my hot cup of Peet's and and tell him when he misses a spot. I mentioned how the older guy across the street was a champ for still being out there shoveling every covered place where a path should be, and he reminds me that he has already finished and that his looks better. He's far more efficient than "our neighbor"!
We live on top of a BIG steep hill and so I called a friend from work and asked him if he could come and get us since he has a BIG 4 wheel drive truck that is far better equipped than our little 4-banger VW. Mike said it would be "no problem" for him to drive---but I wasn't having any of it. Since I am a girl, I can do things like ask for help. Ha!
Believe it or not the roads (which are not salted and made messy by salt and crud like they were in Boston) are clean enough to ride your bike on---even though it's 25 degrees. So Mike is heading out to ride---I will ride my trainer and make chocolate chip cookies today.
I thought the before and after photo's were kind of fun and was glad I took a picture the night before the terrain changed so drastically, Happy Saturday!
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