Saturday, November 18, 2006

Squirrel Torment

Nothing gets the Scrapper's goat more than the squirrel! We were out minding our own business and trying to play ball, when this little guy scrambles right in front of the Scrapper, and she goes bananas. Sydney almost had the little rascal until it found safety high above ground in a tree. Sydney then barked for about 5 minutes before we were able to get back to the business of throwing a tennis ball.

Every few minutes or so, Syd would stop playing and listen in the the (very) light breeze for the squirrel talk....then she'd drop the ball and sure enough the squirrel would be half way down the tree trunk. Scrapper would sprint to the tree just before the squirrel got out of reach and they would stare at each other. I applaud Syd for her patience and tenacity and I feel for her inability to climb that tree and get the squirrel.

I think he torments her on purpose. If you could have seen them staring at each other you'd think the same thing. It was cute anyway.

I did a nice long ride today. It was cold but dry. Funny thing is, my friend Bernie once told me that a nice day in my current city of residence, is like a really crummy day in the Bay Area. He's also the one who said once to his then wife (when they were running a pig farm in Iowa), "I don't know about you...but I'm getting the hell out of here!" Guess I had to experience it for myself though....

Mike comes home in a couple of hours! Woo hoo!

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