Friday, November 11, 2005

Sunrise...and Outside!

A sunrise dazzle to start the day! Yesterday may have started off chilly and windy...but the Southwesterly breezes are the best ones and everything warmed up to about 60 as the day progressed. Can you imagine? It would have been a perfect day if I had worked in the morning and then had the afternoon off, because the wind even died down in the late afternoon. But I rode my bike outside and since I'm equipped with all the right gear I was one "happy hound!" (-: Today is supposed to be even better, and I do work in the morning---Nice!

Anyway, I really love this time of year. I'm still undecided about winter (how can you make a decision about something you're completely clueless about?), but these crisp fall days are nice. Funny thing is, I love all the leaves all over the lawns. Most folks rake them all up, but I like the leaves all covering the lawns like soft carpeting. It seems like everyone goes for that neat, manicured look (just like a golf course), but every now and again you'll pass a house with the leaves covering everything and I like it better that way. When we were in St. Paul, all the houses on the street where Daniel's folks lived had leaves all over everything and it was lovely. Natural. I guess I like the look of the golf-course too...but I don't prefer it.

On Saturday, we're heading to St. Cloud again to meet up with some of the guys on Mike's new team. I love the GrandStay Hotels and I especially love staying there "on the house"! We're getting the red-carpet treatment due to Mike being such a hot-shot bike racer and I'm definitely looking forward to working for these guys next season. It's also nice to be in a situation where we can both give back something to the sport we love so much. It's a real developmental team...And it's small enough to where we can really make a difference.

And on Sunday, the Minnesota State Cross Championships are being held in Crystal, MN and we'll head over from St. Cloud and see how Mike does. It's sure nice to still be riding outside---I hope you are enjoying lovely weather wherever you are reading me from!

Good Morning and have a fabulous Friday!

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