Thursday, November 10, 2005

Basketball daze

Mike came home from work last night and began rummaging around asking, "Have you seen my Chuck Taylor's?" (as in Converse basketball shoes). "Or even my Michael Jordon's? I used to have some Michael Jordon's too...hmmm???" I replied that, "I think we left them in San Francisco---aren't they the one's that made your feet stink?" "Oh yeah", he said.

"How about my swimsuit? I can't find it". Well, I was at a loss there too. I still have boxes un-packed from our move that I need to go through. Anyway, what's up with the not-about-bicycling talk anyway you might be wondering. The crew at US Bank was par-taking in a little friendly inter-departmental competition after hours; Basketball. Or "B-ball" as the terminology goes. There are a few former basketball stars on these teams---and this is actually what Mike is better known for in these parts, even if he hasn't picked up a basketball since he left college.

And as much as I thought it would be fun to watch him in action, we don't have a YMCA membership and so the Scrapper and I went for a jog outside in the wind while Mike played b-ball with the boys at the Y. Something different. And as for his swimsuit, I told him I'd buy him a new one...(a fancy speedo! ha just kidding!). Anyway, with the wind blowing like nobody's business today, I was glad he had something to do besides ride his bike for a change.

When he got home, he said, "I think my big toe's nails are gonna fall off!" I smiled and asked, "did ya crush em'?" He said, "No seriously, my toe nails on my big toes are gonna fall off. These expensive(!) Puma's are worthless (he said worse, but worthless is the gist)!" Sure enough, when he peeled off his double socked foot, his big toe's nail on each foot was black and blue and the toe was bright pink!

"But did you crush em'" I asked? (sympathy forthcoming) He grinned and said in Taylor-fashion (a.k.a. no wasting words), "Yup!"

Full of sympathy now, we cooked and ate dinner and iced his big toe's...."I hope my toe's heal quickly so they don't hurt during the cross race this Sunday...!' Now that's bike-racing talk...something I'm a little more familiar with!

Have a great day!

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