It's all over the news, all over the net and impossible to have a conversation with someone without being all excited and full of great hope for our country. Our first African American president! Wow! When I look and listen to Barack Obama speak, I feel tears well up in my eyes and feel so proud of everyone for voting for this eloquent extraordinary man. Like we are finally willing to say, it is time to do things differently, and be the amazing country full of different and amazing people that we are. Sigh...very proud to be an American.
I was going to write about my rides and my running adventures, but so many of you are plagued with really cold, snowy weather, that it just didn't seem right. That said, I rode my bike outside all week during the week in sunshine with zero wind and springtime temps. It is such a strange weather pattern. Mike and I wake up and look at each other in disbelief. It isn't the near 80 degree temps that my California friends are enjoying---it's more the high 50's! (but high 50's here is the same as high 60's in SF---as there is no moisture). Today, we decided that not watering our lawn (a.k.a. weeds) and taking 20 second showers this summer due to drought is kinda worth it.
On Saturday, I went for a long easy-paced 90 minute run. If running didn't beat me up so much, I would run all the time. I just got a new pair of Newton Running shoes for All-Weather, and I spent the first 45 minutes just looking at my feet because they are such cool looking shoes. Running down the hills around here really takes it's toll on my "hip-flexors". If I was a guy, I would say I pulled my groin muscle. (Do girl's have groin muscles?) In any case---I will practice running backwards to build up the right muscles (Thanks for tip, Mom!)
Today I set out for a long over-due 3 hour ride. Imagine 3 hours with only 1 stop-sign and maybe 10 cars and who knows how many feet in elevation gain (it felt like it was all uphill!). Really lovely.
I am heading East on February 2 (Colorado, Tennessee, Ohio, NYC, and Connecticut), and then will arrive home for a day before heading to Sacramento for the Tour of California Prologue and then to the Bay Area for a week. Mike will at least be joining me for the Bay Area trip (I hope), as I hate spending my birthday and heart day without my guy and my hound! I am hopefully going to be home for a week after that (but maybe not) before heading to LA/San Diego & then Seattle and Portland.
Mostly this week I am rejoicing in my newfound hope for the USA! I hope you are too. Happy Sunday!
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