Every year, time goes by faster and faster. Rather than trying to figure out why that is, I am trying to cram 30 hours worth of living in every 24 hours I get. This week I need to finish up planning for the East coast launch of the Fall Winter clothing. Stressful, but fun. It's especially fun to visit places I haven't been before in Tennessee, Ohio and Connecticut. Been to those states, but not to the cities I will be in this trip. And New York, while intimidating, expensive and on a different realm of my comfort zone, much of the time, is also one of my favorite cities to be in. It's exciting, overwhelming, metro-everything, and feels so American in a high-energy kind of way.
Here in Reno, where life is slower, people are fewer, life is simpler and the air is cleaner, we have been enjoying the mild winter to it's fullest. The last time I rode my bike outside in January so much I lived in California. And amazing as this sounds, that was 5 years ago. You can take the girl out of California, but you can't take California out of the girl. So I am pretty pleased about riding my bike outside this January. Not sure what that will mean for our water supply this summer---but the reality is that you can't do much about the weather. (I could get on my soap-box about global warming and all the things that we all should be doing about this, but I won't. I can only lead by example and know that I do my share, know that I can always do more, and hope that this is high on President Obama's "to-do" list. He's got a very long list.)
Mike and I are heading to the Bay Area the day after I get back from NYC---Tour of California, mixed with work. Then to LA at the end of month. Oregon and Washington shortly after (more soap-box carbon footprint mess...sigh...) But way more fun with Mike going too!
So---not much to report from the lovely mountains here in Northern Nevada. I hope your weekend was relaxing and fun! Here's a little flyer for the Nashville Fashion show!
Happy Sunday!