Saturday, December 20, 2008

Gorgeous Today!

Last week was the coldest week we've experienced since we moved to Nevada. Sure, Minnesota and Boston were both colder, but last year was so mild here that it kinda took us by surprise. We had snow and blowing snow and wind and days where we did not get above the freezing mark. (This didn't happen last year). Real mountain weather. Our water supplies need it---or so they keep telling us, but it was an "all-of-a-sudden" thing---as up until last Monday, we were riding outside. It was cold, but doable.

There was so much ice on the ground and it didn't melt, and so Mike and I were indoor trainer bound on Monday-Thursday. Thursday night the wind howled at about 60mph (sustained) until about 2:30pm on Friday. But it was warmer...about 40 degrees. And at 2:31pm, in glorious sunshine and 40 degrees, I strapped on my Newton running shoes and headed out for an hour and I felt human again. Why does outdoor exercise make you feel so good?

According to my esteemed weather reporter, we are "in between" storms. But you would never know it. The wind is non-existent, the sky is a deep blue with no clouds, the sun is brilliant, and the mountains may be snowy white, but the roads are dried up and perfect. It is still chilly in the high 30's though, so while my husband is out pedaling, I went for a longish run again. There were some icy parts where I needed to be careful not to slip, but all I can say is WOW!

One thing I will never get used to (because I never lived where there were real seasons until the last 4 years), is that when there is a break in the weather, you need to get things like holiday shopping, grocery shopping and getting to the post office, done while you have the window. It never occurs to me that you might be snowed/iced in for a while. We don't really have an "all-weather" car, and Mike thinks he is in Minnesota where it is flat. We have a half mile long steep hill to get up and down in the ice, and he gets annoyed with me when I tell him to slow down. Sigh.

I know we took our time in getting this done--but we applied for our Nevada Driver's Licenses at last. Our Minnesota ones were expiring on our birthdays and as much as I wanted to keep my Minnesota one, it was time to get a new one. So now my Minnesota DL has a hole punched in it, like my California one and I will be officially a Nevada citizen as soon as it arrives. Pretty exciting, huh?! Ha!

So I hope you are enjoying a lovely Saturday. This "in between the storm" thing is a good reminder to appreciate the beautiful days when you can go outside and play even more. Time to go take the small hound for a run in the snowy canyons! Enjoy the day!

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