The night before I left for our East Coast launch of Campagnolo Sportswear, I received the following text from Italy, " we are two dangerous women!" Indeed! NYC is "off the hook". It is not possible to spend three days only and even touch on the expanse of such a place. I have never visited "on business", and aside from flying in and out, I haven't been there since I was a teenager visiting my grandparents. I felt like a small town girl lost in a foreign land--where they spoke english, albeit very fast english!
Our hotel was called The Dream---and it was very NYC-Manhattan-Midtown. All "a-la-carte" and very expensive by this girl's standard's. I really enjoy traveling with Paola. I have learned some things about "living". She doesn't miss a beat. She's in NYC and so she will enjoy as much as she can there in the time she has---even if it is a business trip. All of our NYC retailer appointments went off without a hitch. Better than planned, including a visit with Bicycling Magazine editors. So hopefully we will enjoy some success!
On Monday night, after we finished with our last appointment for the day, we hopped on the subway and headed to Long Island City to visit with my cousin Sharon at her art studio. I have seen Sharon's work throughout my life, through cards and prints, but never have I had the opportunity to touch and see her paintings live. WOW! Her studio looks out at the NYC skyline---and is a co-op with several other artists. Very vogue in an artisian, NY way. And a real treat.
Afterwards we went for dinner at a nice Thai restaurant and then walked out to the water and enjoyed the twilight as Manhattan came to life before our eyes. All twinkles and a city that completely encompasses your entire visual panoramic view. Loss of words.
We were sure to also enjoy Central Park before 7am by foot---no cars are allowed before this time and I was amazed at how many people there were so early in the day. This is truly a city that does not sleep. I feel more worldly afterwards. I will have to write more about Boston and Denver---NYC deserves it's own space. The photo's are of Paola and I in front of a bikeshop in Long Island City and of my cousin Sharon with me. I heart NY!
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