Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th of July

Even with the cost of living and being a citizen in the USA these days, I am proud to live here and to be an American. I can not think of a place I would rather live. I was surprised to find the "recession" of the world even in Italy. It's expensive and stressful everywhere---Euro to dollar or no. I enjoyed a lovely morning ride in a silent Reno. As a cyclist, the less traveled roads and traffic free existence is a good thing. Not sure what it "used" to be like when the economy was better, but I kinda like it this way. I fill my tank once a month---so the only thing I notice is that food (my gasoline) is more expensive. Sigh.

I was encouraged to see so many folks out riding. Last year, we set a record heat of 108F. Today it was cool---wind-free and no smoke---though a bit hazy. I did my climbing laps and on each lap, I rode with different folks who were also enjoying the calm sound of silence.

I am leaving at "oh-dark-thirty" on Sunday morning to head out East. New York City ---Manhattan at that! I am very excited. This feeling is enhanced by the fact that I really have a nice relationship with my Italian colleague now. We're friends. It took us a year to get to this fluid place, but we are there and have leaped some barriers and I am learning so much from this woman. She's very talented and so my job with her is fun. She is very excited to see my cousin Sharon's studio and so we are planning an evening together with a real NYC woman. We're all Aquarian, Independent people with a ton of energy for what we love. Passion. It's contagious.

From NYC Paola and I will head to Boston. I am beyond excited to see the gang at Seven. And to visit some local shops that I really enjoyed when I lived there. It's amazing to feel local about a place that is 4000 miles away. It is also common in my little industry. It is very small. While I was entrenched in my life in Boston, I had no idea that I was bonding for life with some places and people. Like in 10 years I will be thrilled to see these folks. It's funny. Time can be a nuisance---but the beauty is in how time's perspective makes a person whole. I am happier now than I have ever been.

Paola will head back to Italy from Boston---but I will continue on to Denver & Colorado Springs. It will be good to be home. Mike is heading to Oregon to race Cascades. He's been wanting to participate in the race for years---and so I am thrilled for him and yet bummed to not be there too!

My brother and his family moved to town. Last Sunday I went to visit his new place and there was my little brother, in the pool with 15 other kids. I popped my head into the water to give my eldest nephew Daniel a kiss. The gal sitting next to me asked if he was my son or my brother. I said he was my brother's son. She said it was un-canny how much he looked like me. I glowed all evening. Zachy and D, and Kris and Steve are adjusting well---sometimes the boys are a little homesick, my Kristine looks more relaxed than I have seen her in years.

A big Happy Birthday to My Uncle Hy! 90 years! And Happy 4th of July to all!

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