Sunday, January 27, 2008

Snow, Snow and more Snow!

Hard to believe that just yesterday, Mike rode his bike up Geiger Pass. Outside. Sigh. We woke up to maybe 6 inches of fresh snow covering everything. Again. We had a couple of weeks of a reprieve from winter's last blast. But here it is again. I bought a new trainer of my own that I really like. Some Italian "Fluid" job that really does make the indoor workout a bit more tolerable.

And just like "life does", the last couple of years of living in season's has prepared me for the "indoor workout" phase. Something I certainly never knew much about growing up in Northern California's paradise weather for cyclists. Now, once the snow flies (sometime in December), I set my mind to the fact that I won't be riding outside. My habit of waking up early to hit the pavement is transformed to sleeping in a little longer and riding the trainer before work. It's really bad when Mike can't ride outside though. Since he quit racing so seriously, he has a harder time suffering for hours inside. I don't suffer inside or outside---

I am traveling for the next couple of weeks setting the stage for next fall's winter riding wear and sales. So I guess the weather is irrelevant, though I notice that everywhere I will be will have crummy-ish weather---'cept maybe So.Cal if the rain would ever stop.

I have been taking some time off from public journal writing. January is my time for introspection, thinking and planning for the year. I can just hear the "why aren't you out toughing it out in the weather on your bike, Joni?" My reputation of riding in even the worst of downpours (thanks for reminding me Amanda), was one thing. But cold and snow and grit----must be getting old or something! Heavy sigh.

Anyone who thinks I am a party-pooper for not "loving" the snow---well, I do love looking at it. I don't love shoveling it, cleaning up after it, driving in it or working in it. But it is beautiful. I just miss my outside time on the bike.

Happy Sunday!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am finally up with this