When I was last in the Bay Area, my Mom was busy giving me stuff (when you grow up in my house, and probably your house too, "Mom" is always making sure you have enough food and toys), and a couple of the new editions to my "collection of stuff" included her old folk guitar, some old movies on tape, and some Kit-Kat bars and M&M's for Mike.
My guitars are all steel string and so my "soft" finger tips made playing quite painful---lack of practice. Nothing like a nylon string, pint sized guitar to help get your fingers in shape. This snow has been good for developing guitar calluses! I grew up listening to my Mom play guitar/ukulele and sing the three of us to sleep (or to laughter!). And now I have (yikes) become my Mom and am singing old Southern folk and "hippee" songs to the small hound. She doesn't laugh. She does sleep.
I have just begun reading Manhunt (12 day chase for Lincoln's killer)...riding the rollers, and watching old movies and Tours (de France, de Suisse, de jour)---being that we are somewhat "snowed in" for the weekend. The snow is even too deep for the Scrapper---so we're spending "family time" indoors. We're even expecting more snow showers today/tonight and the temps have cooled down and won't get too much above 32 today.
Enjoy the day!
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