Saturday, September 15, 2007

Saturday Inspiration

My friend John Fries, infamously known as "Bicycle John's" (Bicycle John's Serious Cycling) in Los Angeles, set out to run 100 miles today. He and I first became acquainted last year when I was his account rep at Seven Cycles, and now he is one of my favorite accounts in Los Angeles for Sinclair Imports. He's a pretty amazing guy. He just turned 50 years old and apart from running three successful high-end bicycle stores in LA, he's an athlete, tri-athlete, cyclist and runner you-name-it.

In any case, today is the day where he set out to participate in his first 100 mile running race. 100 miles. He said it might take him 30 hours. I can't even imagine it. I told him that I would be at a special place on my bike (at altitude) at a certain time so that we could both be at a high point at the same time. When I arrived at my high-point near a meadow near Mt. Rose, I stopped and thought good thoughts for his day. It's been a while since I did a long ride of over 4 hours. Been traveling too much. Yet each time I felt tired, I just thought of John and smiled and kept riding. Funny how I used him for my inspiration today when if anything he is the one worthy of inspiring thoughts.

I've run a marathon once. And once was enough. After mile 18 I am pretty much done. I can't fathom running three in a altitude. I feel so blessed to have such people in my life. One of the perks of working in this industry is being able to work with folks like John.

When I got home from my ride, Mike was giving the Scrapper a bath after she rolled around in the dirt. Once the Scrapper was clean, Mike and I took ourselves out for "All-you-can-eat" sushi. Now I am stuffed to the gills and ready for a Saturday nap with my husband and my small hound. I love Saturdays!

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing today, think a special thought for my friend Bicycle John who is running 100 miles today! Happy Saturday!!!

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