Sunday, May 06, 2007

I could eat a horse!

A sure sign that the riding is good where I live is that I have that "hungry all the time" feeling. I love it! The weekends are chock full of hours in the saddle and the evenings are spent eating a bunch of food. Today I rode towards Virginia City. I still haven't gone all the way over Geiger Pass---but I am getting my climbing legs back at last!

Now when I say that---I'm still not fast on the bike. Never have been and probably never will be. I just like to go uphill for hours---and that's a good thing. You're almost always going up hill in Reno. I wish we lived a little closer to the passes sometimes, but I am not complaining one bit!

There's this one ranch I pass on the way towards the two passes that has an unusual variety of livestock. Llamas and ostriches. And four cute pregnant burro's. I can't wait until the baby burro's are born. I will have to remember to bring carrots next weekend.

Mike cooked his famous pasta with artichokes, sun-dried tomatoes and loads of garlic and olive oil and we ate a big fresh loaf of sour dough french bread. Life is good in the mountain desert!

And how about that Kentucky Derby! Happy Sunday!

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