Monday, December 04, 2006

Patriot's ball game = light traffic on the roads!

Not only did the weather cooperate today, but with a state full of Patriot's fans, the traffic on the roads was lighter than it's been in eons! We had planned to go do a local Cross-race, but Mike was feeling that way he feels before he gets sick, so we decided to play it safe and not push things. I waited for it to warm up to 40 degrees, and then headed out for just under 50 miles of fairly congestion-free riding. Yesterday the wind was blowing harder than I've seen since I left Marshall, MN---In fact, I went out to the track for a run as opposed to tackling the blustery day on two wheels.

I've been slowly getting myself conditioned so that I can run more regularly without injuring myself. My calves keep cramping. Mike says he has the same problem and so it might be one of those "people-who-ride-their-bicycles-too-much" kind of injuries. Anyway, I was able to do over 4 miles twice last week with no pain which is nice. Maybe all the walking I've been doing has been good for something besides the environment!

It's Monday now---and it is snowing! Luckily I have a Minnesota winter jacket that Diane bought for me before we moved to Marshall! And I even have snow boots. So the Taylor's will all three walk to work this morning in the snow.

Have a wonderful week...and happy birthday Zachary Mehler!

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