Sunday, December 24, 2006

An Idea Party!

My Mom sent Mike and I this book, workbook and DVD by Barbara Sher, (Barbara Sher's Idea Party), and this morning, after the morning News, a weather check and a walk with the hound, we sat down and Mike plugged in the DVD and we sat around drinking smoothie's and watching Barbara talk about learning how to "live your dream". Anyway, we discussed the show at length afterwards and I unwrapped the workbook and now it's on our minds. I'll let you know how it goes. Right now it's full of powerful information---excitement and anxiety, all at the same time.

I think it is right around this time every year that Mike gets some idea in his head about change. I like to blame it on him, but I guess we both do it. Mike is less patient than I, and once he gets an idea going, there's no stopping him. It's like a race or something. We moved here with an ultimate plan to move out West...and now we are in the planning stages of that process. More excitement and anxiety. I keep thinking, "I'm too old for this...", but here we go again.

I've been running more than riding lately. Even though we've been lucky with a "mild" winter (no snow), it's still cold to me. In San Francisco when the weather is in the low 50's or 40's, the weather newscasters report how chilly it is. Here, they say how mild it is. Again I remember what my friend Bernie said to me when he told me, "A good day where you live now is like a crummy day in the Bay Area". He uses stronger language than I just did, but you get the gist. Ha!

Anyway---the holiday feeling hit home for me last Tuesday when our "Christmas box from Marshall" arrived. It changed my whole day. Every year, Mom (Taylor) bakes and ships us a little bit of Minnesota. And I am spoiled now and it doesn't feel like the holidays until it arrives. That next day, Mom (Mehler) went in for her biopsy, and the doctor's found "no tumor"! To top it off, her blood tests came back normal. So it is a season of miracles.

Whether it is the " Festival of Lights, the Holy Birth, or simply the love a beautiful day", may your Celebration of the Season be warm and Merry.
Love, Joni

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