Saturday, December 02, 2006

December, 2006?

Can you believe it? Yikes! One of the nicest things about my life as a Taylor, and even before I officially became a Taylor, but certainly since I did, is I no longer ever suffer from the dreaded "holiday blues". Which leads me to the conclusion that who is in your life rates far higher than any of the things you may or may not have. At least for me this is true. A nice thing to know...

We have been experiencing the global warming big time over here in Boston. Yesterday and the day before it was nearly 70 degrees. Weird to think it is warmer here today than it is in Hot-lanta---at least this morning that is true. I know, I know, it isn't supposed to last. In fact tomorrow we are in store for a real change and already today it is cooler by almost 20 degrees...but still. I thought I was hanging up my two wheels last weekend...but it looks like I will get to ride both days this weekend.

And NEXT weekend I will be in San Diego! A nice thing to look forward to this time of year when you leave in New England. We had a little hiccup with Mom's chemo. She didn't have enough white blood cells last Wednesday and so she couldn't have her planned infusion. Now we "hope" (a few weeks ago we hoped she wouldn't have to have chemo this coming week) her blood count allows her to get back on the program. Sigh. My glowing Mom. Sigh again...

There is generally a whole lot of wishing and praying going on this month---even the little kids get involved, wish and praying for little shiny toys. We are lighting a candles and praying for white blood cells and no more cancer---and giving thanks for all of our many blessings.

Have a wonderful Saturday!

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