Saturday, April 26, 2008

Shake, Rattle & Roll!

Growing up in the San Francisco Bay area---well, earthquakes are no stranger to me. I remember in the 80's when we had some big shakers around the Hayward Fault---and of course I was there in 1989 when the ground rolled like a roller coaster for 15 seconds (felt like an hour) and caused such havoc around the Bay. When you grow up with earthquakes, you're like " big deal!"

The country's 3rd most seismic state, after Alaska in California, has been rocking and rolling like crazy lately. Two days ago we had over a hundred measure-able quakes and yesterday we had about 100, and some were big ones! But last night, was the biggest yet at near 5.0 (I think it was a 4.9). Pictures fell off the walls, cups and saucers in the cabinets were knocked over, and Mike and I woke up when the Scrapper jumped right on our heads!

It doesn't help that we are maybe a mile from the epicenter. Sydney is NOT enjoying it. She runs from the bed to the closet all night long. At work she jumps right into your lap. In any case, it is pretty amazing. But so far, we are fine.

It's supposed to be a nice 75 degrees today and Mike and I are off for a long bike ride, to enjoy the spring. We are rocking and rolling here in the Silver "quake" state!

Happy Saturday!

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