Mike and I have been "under the weather" for weeks. It's been pretty awful really. Mostly the fatigue part. In any case, we are finally back on the bike and riding outside and enjoying the lovely Spring-like weather in the High Sierra Nevadas. Snow is melting...pretty much is melted in Reno, though many feet of snow remain in the mountains. Tomorrow it is supposed to be near 70 degrees.
We're hoping to get back on the bike enough to race at the Sea Otter in April. The San Diego Mehler's were visiting Reno last week for their spring break. It looks like they may actually be leaving the Golden State for the Silver State as well. Reno is a nice place.
Last week the Euro to dollar hit like 1.58 to the US 1.00. As an importer of European products into the USA, this creates quite a challenge. I am always proud to be an American. Land of Opportunity. Land of the free. Land of hope. And yet, I struggle with the current crisis; wondering how to help; feeling helpless to do so. Do I continue importing products from other countries---or figure out a way to sell/support American? It's a personal struggle.
I was even thinking that if I end up receiving the government rebate check this year, how would I use the money and support the American economy? If I go to Walmart/Target/Other, my money will go to China. Gasoline? Money goes to Middle east. New car? Money goes to Japan/Germany? Cool cycling clothes? My money goes to Italy. I could buy beer. (Best beer outside of Belgium is USA). Mike says we can put it in the bank. He's pretty smart.
We were talking about things like where we live, where is home, etc. (we've been stuck together in the house for 3 weekends---). Mike said, "Home is wherever I am....wherever you are". That was comforting. Happy Saturday!
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