Sunday, February 25, 2007

"Because if YOU were snow...

...where would you want to Fall?" Brilliant advertising for the tourism board of the state of California! Mike and I watched yesterday's stage and I even enjoyed the commercials on the Versus network---although there were too many. The coverage is excellent and makes me homesick. Dry sunny desert scenery has that effect on me. Especially if you throw in a bunch of lycra cad skinny cyclist!

I spent a fabulous 4 days in my home state---with my peeps! Unseasonable warmth was a treat, especially since I flew the morning after the big snow, ice,rain, sleet and wind storm. Mike was a champ. He went outside and shoveled the heavy wintery mix off the driveway and de-iced the car so that he could get me to the airport for my early 6am departure. Minnesota Dad called the night before, and he confidently said, "Michael will get you to the airport!" Not having ever flown "in weather", I completely forgot about all the travelers who's plane was cancelled the day before. The airport in Boston was wall to wall people.

Thinking I was going to be there early, quickly became a fear that I would not make it in time. I waited in line for over an hour just to get my boarding pass (even if I had done it electronically, I would have to wait as they were busy booking and double booking seats on the planes.) 30 minutes into my wait, this older couple cut in front of me. Said they were waiting in the wrong line, surely I wouldn't mind. I told them I was waiting for a long time too. They said, "Did I think it was fair that they should have to go to the end of the line?" I was grumpy, it was like 5 in the morning so I said "Yes!". But they cut in front of me anyway.

They were on my plane so I was glad I didn't say anything too mean. I did think (to myself) that if it was Minnesota, they wouldn't have been so rude...but I guess that is a form of labeling that I am glad I didn't voice. Spending my birthday with my Mom & Dad was a great gift. It was a short, busy trip home...but totally worth being tired all last week!

It's in the 30's most of the week. Mike did a 4 hour ride outside yesterday. I made it for an hour and 26 seconds in the basement yesterday. The track is all ice and so I can't run yet. (I ran at the track in California with my Mom and it was 75 degrees with no wind and a California blue sky...the same track that my Mom used to drag me was so fabulous) Sigh...

California dreamin' me! Happy Sunday!

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