Saturday, June 03, 2006

Soggy Saturday

Who'll stop the rain? June 3rd...and after a really warm Memorial Day weekend, here we are in the drink once again. Not a little rain...they're talking measurable rain and using inches to do the math. UGH! When "measuring tools" are used for the rain, our plans for a race in Maine sounded "not so good". Driving anywhere isn't fun---but driving for a couple of hours to race in rainy 50's/60's sounded like a bad idea for a plethora of reasons.

Our house gets real clean on days like these. Sunday is supposed to be better at least. Last week was a short week and so at least I rode everyday and got my miles in then. I only recently realized that my daily route takes me past the "Gropius House". I think he (Gropius) is (was) kind of to New England what Frank Lloyd Wright is to San Francisco. A famous architect. It's a very interesting looking building. He's of course no longer with us...I think he was famous in the 40's. But his daughter or grand-daughter is still her 80's, but still around. One of these days I'll have to sign up for one of the tours of the place. The grounds are all over-grown (probably hard to keep it up with all the rain).

It looks like we're finally going to race Fitchburg-Longsjo. It's one NRC race that Mike has never done before (when you live in California, it's pretty expensive to get out to all the East Coast races), and it looks to be a real tough one at that---lots of climbing. It'll be tough to do without a team, but fun all the same. Seven will have an exhibit at the pre-race expo and I'll be working that on Wednesday and then supporting Mike in the race the rest of the week. We really wanted to do Minnesota this year, but it was just not in the cards.

Oh well---just another soggy Saturday in Watertown. You'd think the name of the town of my new abode would have been my first clue. Enjoy your Day! Go Jerrell in your Aid's ride down the coast of the sunshine State!

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