―Up in the Air! Holiday Greetings from the High Sierra Mountains – 2010
Wow! It is amazing that we’re still here in the same place in our little mountain town in Northern Nevada’s High
Sierra Mountains. Probably a record for this Taylor Trio, who by nature has not let the grass grow around our feet very
much in the last decade. The mountains are snow-topped, but we’ve been enjoying a mild December (after an early
Thanksgiving Snow/Cold snap!) and have been riding our bikes outside and enjoying the final days of a very busy year.
If I could use just a few words to describe this year, it would have something to do with Airlines. When the TSA agents
know you by your first name (even your nickname Joni as opposed to your given name Joan), you know you’ve been there
too much!
One of the highlights of all this travel was a very special trip to Costa Rica with Dad, just the two of us. He needed
some dental work done and I went with him. It was a trip of a lifetime and I will be going back (and bringing Mike!).
Costa Rica is a country without an Army, and the government uses the funding which would normally go to military for
education. So there is a whole population of educated people and therefore an amazing middle class. Clean, healthy and
beautiful. We visited volcano’s (there are 113 of them!) and coffee farms and walked everywhere together.
In November, Mike and I made our trip to Marshall and enjoyed visiting with Mom and Dad there. It was funny
because we had just had a cold snap in Reno, so we went to Minnesota to warm up! How about that?
And in the back of my mind, on every single day, my thoughts return to my Mom. I keep waiting for that magical
moment when that ―hole‖ begins to heal, and like every other hurt in my life, it becomes a faded memory. On those days
when it’s really tough, I donate to a charity that she would like, in her memory and head out on a long bike ride or run
and we chat (or actually I talk and she listens), and eventually I actually feel better. But the good news is that this hurt
will never be a faded memory—My Sunny Mom is alive and well in my heart. Joni + Mom= Forever.
So, I am off to Italy in a couple of weeks---it’s a nice way to begin the traveling year. And I am looking forward to a
new decade with the love of my life (that would be the tall, handsome Michael Taylor). And of course, last but hardly
least, Sydney is still brightening our day (and causing grief to the Reno Bunnies, Lizards and Quail in our backyard) and
waking us up bright and early---reminding us of all of our blessings!
With lots of love and High Sierra Sunshine, The Taylor’s wish you a very Happy Holiday Season – 2010!