A Taylor Holiday Greeting from Northern Nevada - 2009
They came to sit and dangle their feet off the edge of the world and soon they thought of nothing but the good and true things they would do someday…
…and if there is anything I learned from 2009, it is that someday is now. I grew up in a very different way this year when I said good-bye to the most important woman in my life. I shared her last breath as she shared my first and if I could put into words how this has impacted my life I would---but words are not so free-flowing. A sweetness, that was “Mom” is gone, and every day I ask G-d to remember the soul of my Mother, Sonia G. Mehler…The love and strength of family and community shined and we mourned her passing and celebrated her life with family and friends. You see, words don’t work...
And now it is time to close the year once again---and even with this big hole in my heart, I feel incredibly blessed. I love my husband and I love my life, and I’ve decided that the happiest people may not have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything that they have! And with that thought, I am a very rich woman and very happy! (And best is subjective anyway!)
We were able to visit Marshall in November and my time with the Taylor’s, always fills me with love. I now have a Grandpa who is 95 and I enjoyed going to visit him every day. We share a profound day (he said good bye to his wife and I to my Mom on the same day, albeit a couple of years apart. And they were also put to rest on the same day a couple of years apart). Interesting that G-d blessed me with my Minnesota Mom, and that we can share the same day to reflect on our Mom’s together.
I wake up every day next to the love of my life and the perfect small hound and my Mehler-Taylor family continues to give me joy and purpose, and as I have aged, Faith has become more of a center-piece in my soul. The many friends (you) who supported me during my Mom’s challenge with cancer have etched their way into my heart forever. With gratitude, love and the joy of the season, Happy Holidays to you! Wishing you good health, and a lovely New Year!